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Current Research Projects

Senior Woman Dancing

Dissertation Essay 1

STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE: Consumer Responses to Familiar Music in Marketing Contexts

(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)

Invited for Revision at AMS Review

  • Familiarity is central to process of consumer engagement with music; launches active engagement, judgements of brand use

  • Feelings of ownership for music heighten judgements of brand use

  • New outcomes from active engagement identified: outcomes concerning the individual’s identity, the music, and the brand


Dissertation Essay 2


Consumer Sharing Behaviors When "Their" Music is Used by Brands

(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)

  • Investigates how brand use of psychologically-owned music shapes word-of-mouth (WOM) about that music

  • WOM is investigated as self-disclosure in pursuit of a certain social goal or avoidance of a certain social risk

Sharing Ideas
political rally

Dissertation Essay 3


Music, Emotional Reasoning, and Consumer Political Beliefs

(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)

  • Music in marketing launches not only emotional states, but emotional reasoning by which individuals use their emotions to understand and interpret the world

  • Observed effect of music on emotional reasoning; leading participants to more flexibility in political beliefs and empathy towards a marginalized group


The Mediating Effect of Social Identification on Civic Duty and WOM Among Community Orchestra Subscribers
(with Brooke Reavey, Dominican University)

  • Explored social drivers (e.g., civic duty, identification with orchestra, exclusivity) that increase or decrease the likelihood of WOM for the patron

  • Civic duty influences patrons’ level of social identification with the symphony

  • High perceived exclusivity leads to decreased WOM; low or moderate perceived exclusivity leads to increased WOM

Concert Hall
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